The true responsibilities of urban cyclists

responsibilities of urban cyclists

The true responsibilities of urban cyclists

One area in particular in which cyclists have a disproportionate obligation is in the area of responsibility. Yes, specifically, people and especially motorists love to hold the entire set of urban cyclists responsible for the behavior of a single on a bicycle – because there is one. You can read about womens bikes size guide.

This is one of the reasons why the ill-tempered motorist, the intolerant neighbor and the occasional clueless one, will argue with all their being against the new bike lane or the bus-bike lane that has just been established or is on the way. Be it, and everything, because once a cyclist in the opposite direction, almost runs over me, some opponents of the use of the bicycle as a means of transport will say.

The responsibilities of urban cyclists

responsibilities of urban cyclists

The overview of the responsibilities of urban cyclists does not go beyond wearing a helmet, which makes your role in the cycling community similar to learning about sex in the schoolyard: uncomfortable, superficial and, with a host of communication problems along the way. The good news is that your true responsibilities as an urban cyclist are pretty straightforward.

Keep you alive

And this implies some actions beyond wearing a helmet, but just as important. One of them is to use our common sense so as not to put ourselves in unnecessary danger. As well as respect road rules, try not to do recklessness behind the handlebars and above all. Understand that we are not alone in the city that we have to share the public spaces with responsibility and be tolerant. And although in this sharing space with motorists, we cyclists are the ones who run the greatest risk, we will have to be the ones who pay the most attention to this coexistence. Although it seems like a marriage in the divorce process, with a little care and courtesy, not all will be lost in this relationship. Keep reading

Perhaps you think that as an experienced cyclist that you are, you no longer have to learn about sharing public space safely. Of course, you know it all and, in addition, the laws give you preference over motorists on streets and avenues. Let’s face it, very few motorists care that you have the preference, so in order not to be like cats and dogs, let’s do our part and make the roads a space to coexist safely.

Get your fellow cyclists

What I mean is, what matters is being there when your fellow riders need you. This could mean stopping during your travel or leisure tour to offer assistance to a colleague.

This can range from giving away a camera to replacing the puncture of that clueless bicycle user who left home without a spare or even accompanying a novice to safely reach their destination.

Be an example to follow

There is no way around it. Drivers, pedestrians and even other cyclists judge how you ride your bike. And your behavior and respect for traffic rules are important. There is no doubt about this, and it will also help you fulfill your number one responsibility to stay alive.

But I also mean that you should try to make cycling look enjoyable and like something a normal person could easily want to do and please wear ordinary clothing from time to time!

The oppressive nature of many who call themselves cycling activists forces us to wear helmets, gloves, face masks, lycra, high visibility gear as if we were on our way to a road work site. Nobody wants to dress like this, and if we can get more people on their bikes, we might not have to.

Be responsible for your actions and, above all, be consistent with what you reflect in your daily behavior. You don’t have to be a dedicated cycling activist to set a good example, but you do have to do something.

Being a true bicycle activist is like being a professional cyclist: you have to be born to do it. It is very difficult and, for the most part, there is not a lot of money involved and, yes, a lot of reproaches and disappointments.

Fortunately, because we have such hard-working bicycle activists, it is very easy for us to do almost nothing. However, you have to do something. And that something is to conduct yourself with honesty, prudence and a lot of respect for your life and that of others.

But in order not to fall into sentimentality, you can join an organization, make some kind of donation so that more people are traveling by bicycle, sign a petition to construct more inclusive road infrastructure or simply vote against that political group that denotes anti-bicycle rhetoric.

You can be part of the change just by moving around your city by bicycle; not all people have the time or the constitution to face the experience of a meeting with neighbors or authorities to talk about the implementation of a bicycle lane. The least we can do is help out the people who can do it.

Do not fight with motorists

Actually, with no one, but to be honest, many of our fears for which we act aggressively and why we want to reprimand motorists is for their careless driving.

I fully understand that you want to teach that idiot driver respect and to obey the Law. Believe me, I have lived it, but what is the point of fighting all the time and trying to teach someone who does not want to learn. Remember that as a cyclist, you have the possibility of sneaking through the first free nook and leaving the ape behind the wheel. Go ahead, give him a lesson in manners, and walk away without looking at him.

Advocate for the guild when not riding a bike

We have all been in situations where there are people who do not realize that we ride a bicycle and, without any hesitation, they start cursing about the users and their obnoxious bikes. Here are two options: You eat your anger and leave without speaking or, without starting a fight, you express your opinion, but these people must know that we are human and that traveling by bicycle is not only for poor people or hippies.

So when that person starts attacking those damn cyclists, you can intervene or yell: I’m not going to take this! But let’s try not to shout and if we talk. Sometimes you have to stand up and advocate for what is right. But always being respectful.

Take care of the pedestrian as if it were the apple of your eye

This is one of the simplest points. Just give them all the respect, tolerance, and care you can. But you can start by staying away from sidewalks and crosswalks when you ride your bike, and that’s super simple. You are no longer a child. So if you are not under 12 years old, you do not have to pedal on the sidewalks and pedestrian areas.

Be alert and watch out for any pedestrian crossing your path. That the pedestrian got off the sidewalk and walked along the bike lane? Well, avoid carefully, at last, you are a master of riding a bike that mousetraps in traffic, don’t tell me you can’t do it between pedestrians?

No to headphones while riding your bike

Although music is the grease with which you slide on the pavement, especially now, it is not wise to listen to music with headphones, even if you have a free ear to listen to the traffic, remember that most motorists are almost fiery. 

I think many of you are clear about it, using the bike as a means of transport is not a fashion for you. It is a practical way of moving around the city. It is a way to get down to the neurosis of the city. A great option for saving the planet from climate change is even a declaration of sustainability. So let’s make riding a bike safely and if as bike users we seek the respect of other road users, we must lead by example. I know we ride rough because the streets are rough, but leading by example is the best argument we have.