Essential safety travel tips for travelers

Essential travel tips

Essential safety travel tips for travelers

Safety in travel is very important for every traveler. whether you are alone or with your family. In this article we are going to give you some essential safety travel tips. Your trip will be more enjoyable and compatible.

Before making a trip, save a copy of your identification documents and travel tickets in your email, to have easy access to them in case the originals are stolen.

Find and take with you the addresses of the consulate or embassy of the country of which you are a national, police, hospitals, and other support services available in the country to which you are going to travel, to facilitate contact in case of need. Also, try to tell friends and family about the tours you will be taking and the name and addresses of the places where you will be staying.

To avoid property crimes (theft or robbery), leave your valuables and documents in a safe place, preferably in the hotel or safe, if you rent a house, in a place that is difficult to access. When you go out, take only the essentials — the money you are going to use that day and a photocopy of identification documents.

Before The Trip

Travel tips for travelers

Prepare your trip in advance, evaluate the necessary logistical issues, and consider the country of destination.

In any case, try to adopt the following measures:

  • Look in books and on the Internet for information about the country and cities to which you are going to travel (what are the dangerous areas, the most frequent registered crimes, and the existing support services);
  • Scan your travel documents and send them to your email;
  • Also, have a copy of your travel tickets in your email;
  • Write down the number of your bank cards and the telephone numbers of the operators in case you have to cancel them;
  • Have a security record of the contacts recorded on your mobile;
  • Make a list of the addresses of the different services available in the country to which you are going to travel (such as a consular office, hospital, police, victim support entities, etc.)
  • Leave the addresses of the places where you are going to stay with your friends and family.

During The Trip

On the street:

  • Carry a color photocopy of your identification document, leaving the original in a safe place (such as a hotel safe);
  • Carry only the essential belongings safely. For example, divide the money between the purse, the pockets, and the bag;
  • Always use zippered bags;
  • Never lose sight of your belongings — in restaurants or bars, don’t leave your bag with your belongings on the table or hanging from your chair;
  • Try not to walk through poorly lit and lonely streets;
  • If you realize that you are being followed or threatened, go to a safe place where there are other people (such as a restaurant), and if necessary call the police.

At the hotel:

  • At the time of arrival and departure from the hotel, do not lose sight of your belongings;
  • Always close the windows or doors of the room when you leave it or when you are sleeping;
  • Use the hotel safe to store your belongings;
  • Leave your room key at reception (to prevent it from being stolen when you are out) If you rent a house:
  • Make a list and photos of the belongings you have in the house (furniture and valuables);
  • Hide your documents and part of the money in a place that is difficult for other people to access;
  • Make sure doors and windows are securely closed when you go out or are sleeping;
  • If you are away for a few days, don’t leave signs of your absence (leave a light on, for example);
  • Do not trust technical services that you have not requested (water, electricity, gas, etc.) and always ask for the technician’s identification;

In the car:

  • Keep the doors closed, especially when you are stopped at a traffic light;
  • Park whenever you can in authorized areas, where there is movement and lighting;
  • When you park, do not leave your belongings in sight;
  • Do not store your belongings in the trunk when you are already parked, do it before leaving home or the hotel;
  • Do not leave visible elements that indicate that the car is rented (stickers or papers with the name of the rental company).

On the beach:

  • Carry only the essential money, avoiding valuables;
  • When you shower, don’t leave your belongings unattended;
  • Try to stay close to support services (bars, restaurants, lifeguards).

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